Rex Bell Jr. District Attorney Plate
Dublin Core
Rex Bell Jr. District Attorney Plate
The Walking Box Ranch Collection
A copper, brass or bronze plate with lettering "Rex Bell District Attorney" "Clark County Nevada" "Manuel Guerrero" containing a tooled embellishment of a Joshua Tree in a desert landscape. The textured designs on the plate are tooled using a combination of engraving and embossing (double check correct terminology). The back of the plate contains an apparatus to hang it on a wall, which indicates it was used for a decorative rather than a utilitarian purpose. There is some spotted discoloration on either end of the central design.
Approx. 1980s
Rex Bell Jr. was District Attorney from 1987-1995
Rex Bell Jr. was District Attorney from 1987-1995
UNLV Division of Educational Outreach
The object is available for education and research purposes and are part of the UNLV Division of Educational Outreach Collection. This image may not be reproduced for commercial purposes without the express written consent of the UNLV Division of Educational Outreach
Length: 19.5 in.
Width: 19.5 in.
Height: 1 in.
Width: 19.5 in.
Height: 1 in.
Physical Object
Artisan - Custom Made
The back of the plate contains a sticker (Household item H22). Sticker appears to be easily removable.
There is a name on the plate, "Manuel Guerro" which popped up in a Google seach. "Don Manuel Guerro, a master brass artisan (latonero)"
one Chilean Liberal activist of the 19th century, also mentioned here. I'm not sure if it's significant to the making of the plate, but because of the similaries, I've left it here until we can further assess the connection.
one Chilean Liberal activist of the 19th century, also mentioned here. I'm not sure if it's significant to the making of the plate, but because of the similaries, I've left it here until we can further assess the connection.
Entry created by Jennifer Kimball
Rex Bell Jr. District Attorney Plate, Approx. 1980s
Rex Bell Jr. was District Attorney from 1987-1995
Rex Bell Jr. was District Attorney from 1987-1995
Social Bookmarking
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